The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II



Secretary of War for the payment of the troops at San An- tonio, for three months. Sam Houston Hon. Henry Smith, Secretary od the T'reasury [Endorsed] : Executive dated 22 Feby 1838 Relative to

paying the troops at San Antonio 1 Financfol Papers, Texas State Library.

·ELECTION PROCLAMATION, FEBRUARY 23, 1838 1 Whereas, the seat of Representative in the Congress of this Republic for the County of Jasper having been vacated by the death of the Honl. Samuel S. Lewis, therefore I, Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, do hereby order and direct the Chief Justice of the said County to cause an election to be held on Saturday the thirty first day of March next for the election of a representative, to fill the vacancy occassioned by the death aforesaid. In testimony whereof I have caused the Seal of the Republic to be hereunto Affixed Done at the City of Houston this the 23d day of February A. D. 1838 and of the Independence of Texas the second. By the President Sam Houston R. A. Irion, Secretary of State 1 Proclamations of the P1·esidents, Republic of Texas; also, Docimumts under the Great Seal, Rcco1·d Book No. 97, p. 18. THE AMOUNT DUE TO HOUSTON FOR MILITARY SERVICES, 1835-1836. [FEBRUARY 23, 1838] 1 REPUBLIC OF TEXAS, To Sam Houston, Major General T. A. Dr. Pay for myself, from 11 Nov. 1835 to 22 Oct. 1836, 11 months 11 days, 200 dollars per month $2273.33-1/3 For 4 private servants (not soldiers) 11 months, 11 days 32 dollars per month $ 363. 73-1_/3 Clothing for 4 private servants (not soldiers) 11 months, 11 days, 10 dollars per month $ 113. 66-2/3 Forage for 7 horses, 11 months, 11 days 56 dollars per month... ----------····-···-·-- -·-·--·---------------$ 636. 53-1/3

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