PAGE A Certification, January 25, 1839, of the services of J. B. McCombs in purchasing arms, and his right to transportation expenses__.____ 308 FEBRUARY, 1839 To Henry Thompson, February 1, 1839, asking him to let Captain Stan- berry have furniture·----·----·---·-·---- --·--·-·-····-··-··---·---- 309 To Anna Raguet, February 8, 1839, a friendly letter expressing per- sonal desire for a quiet summer vacation_____ _ __ 310 MAY-DECEMBER, 1839 Proprietor's Notice concerning the City of Sabine, May 1, 1839 -·--····- 312 Contract with Hickman Le,vis for Blooded Stock, August 30, 1839........- 313 Speech on the removal of the Capital from Austin, December 2-3, 1839, made in debate in the House of Representatives.----·····-·---- - 315 To Anna Raguet, December 10, 1839, a friendly letter·-·-·········------- 322 Debate in the House in behalf of the Cherokee Land Bill, December 22, 1839 -----·-------·-·--·-·--·---- ------- 323 JANUARY, 1840-MAY, 1840 To Samuel M. Williams, January 7, 1840, saying he had come to believe that General Albert Sidney Johnston had no hostile feelings toward him -·-·-··-·-·-·······-·---·--·--·---·---·--·-- ·-···-----·-----·-----349 To Andrew J. Yates, April 26, 1840, concerning a difference between them over the possession of Cedar Point_··----····-----······-··-···-···- 349 The Marriage License of Sam Houston to Margaret M. Lea, May 9, 1840 ---------- ··---------·-··- - --- --- -----350 AUGUST, 1840-DECEMBER, 1840 The Reply to a Dinner Invitation, August 28, 1840·-··---·-··----- 350 To Mrs. Houston, September 23, 1840, personal letter and family gossip and interest ········-·-·-······--·---···-····-·······----------····-···-···--. 352 To Jesse Walling, September 28, 1840, instructing him to bring his horse and equipment to San Augustine_·--·-·-·---···-···-··-·----··--· 354 Speech, December 4, 1840, concerning the Cherokee BiIL____________.___ 354 The Presentation of a feather to Mrs. George Flood, December 8, 1840.... 362 To the Editor of the Teleg1·avh, December 20, 1840, advocating practical and democratic government of all the courts or the country..·-·-·-······ 363 Memoranda for a Speech, 1840 ···- ···· - -- ___ ·····- ···-··-- 364 1841 JANUARY, 1841-MAY, 1841 A committee Report, January 11, 1841, on Appropriation for the Chero- kee Bi II --··--·-·- · ··-·-···-·····....·------ ·-········--··-·-·---··········-····- ··--... 36 5 To Anthony Butler, February 2, 1841, saying that Texas is in debt and with little advantage to the country. Speaks of the profligacy of the administration.·-··-·····-·····--······-··-·-···-······-··········-············-........ 3 G 5 To Robert A. Irion, May 6, 1841, introducing a Mr. Brown.........·-·-········· 367
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