The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II



obtain it that he must suffer great loss; and injury in his prop- erty, & means of supporting his family. You are therefore authorized to direct the payment of the amount by the Treasurer, as above stated Sam Houston. [Addressed] : To Hon. Henry Smith, Sec'y of Treasury, Mr. W. Cannon Present Executive 7th February 1838 Re- lative to Cannon 1 Financial Pape1·s, Texas State Library. 3 William Travis Cannon was born in Alabama in 1808; he came to Texas in 1835. Bounty Warrant No. 1884 (General Land Office of Texas) granting him 640 acres of land, states that he served in the Texas army from March 1, to November 1, 1836. He was a San Jacinto soldier, and in that battle was a private in Company "H" of the First Regiment of Texas Volunteers, Captain Robert Stevenson commanding. In 1837, Cannon mar- ried Matilda Lewis. To this union were born four sons and a daughter. Mrs. Cannon died at Brazoria in 1850. In a short time Cannon married Parmelia A. Wilcox. They had three sons and a daughter. William Cannon died in September, 1881, and lies buried in the Oyster Creek Cemetery, · four miles from Velasco. See Dixon and Kemp, Heroes of San Jacinto, 227-228. To JOHN w. Moooy 1 City of Houston, 7th Feby 1838. To Major J. W. Moody, First Auditor Sir: In relation to the accounts of General F. Huston, I have only to remark that tho there was no power in the Cab- inet to appoint a Colonel, or Gen'l Officer, only when a vacancy occurred in the Regular army, and there being no Regular Regt. of Cavalry there cou'd be no colonel. Nevertheless, Gen'l Huston is entitled to pay as such from the date of his appointment. The fault was not Gen'l Huston's, for he was responsible as a Colonel, and therefore, entitled as such to compensation. Brevet Rank was not known to our service and no officer as such cou'd draw pay-but for his actual command. How far a separate command would be regarded is a matter refer'd to the Auditor to determine whether it was detached corps, or separate command.

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