be pleased to say to him that I will be happy to see him; when I go to the East ! ! ! Salute my friends all, and Col. Snively/ particularly. Sam Houston. Col. H. Raguet [Addressed] : doches Texas To Colonel H. Raguet Houston Free Post Master 1 Raguet Pape1·s, The University of Texas Library. Nacog- 2 George Anthony Nixon was an attorney at Nacogdoches who had held various civil offices in that locality both befo1·e and after the Independence of Texas. 3 See Houston Vetoes a Bill for the Relief of Sidney Sherman, May 16, 1837.
•See Houston to William Goyens, July 3, 1837. 5 See Houston to Jacob Snively, January 24, 1837.
AN ELECTION PROCLAMATION, FEBRUARY 6, 1838 1 Whereas, the seat of Representative in the Congress of this Republic for the county of Sabine, having been vacated by the resignation of the Honorable Wm. Clark, Therefore, I, Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, do hereby order and direct the Chief Justice of the said county to cause an elec- tion to be held on Saturday, the thirty-first day of March next, for the election of a Representative to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the aforesaid- In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the Republic of Texas to be hereunto affixed. Done at the city of Houston, this the Twenty sixth day of Feb- ruary, A. D. 1838, and of the independence of Texas the second. By the President Sam Houston R. A. Irion, Sec. of State [Endorsed] : Proclamation Sabine County for Representa- tive Feb. 26/3_8 Recorded page 18. 1 Proclamations of the Presidents, Republ·ic of Texas, Texas State Library.
City of Houston, 7th Feby, 1838.
Hon[orable] Henry Smith, Secretary of Treasury Sir Mr. Wm. Cannon 2 represents to me that he has due him by the Government six hundred dollars and that, if he shou'd not
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