Richardson, Messages and Papers of the Presidents, III, 282). La Branche arrived in Texas in October, 1837, and on April 11, 1838, he and Robert A. Irion, Secretary of State for the Texas Republic, signed a convention stipulating for the adjustment of claims of the citizens of the United States in the cases of the Pocket and the Durango (ibid., III, 469; also see the original Texas copy of this convention in the Texas State Library). On April 3, 1840 he wrote President Lamar a letter of farewell, saying that because of the necessity of attending to personal interests, he had resigned his commission as clrnrge d'a.jfairs to Texas. In this letter La Branche professed the warmest friendship and best of good wishes for Texas and for its President. See Garrison (ed.), Diplomatic Corl"espondence of the Republic of Texas, I, 201, 463, V, 413-414. 4 Jefferson Wright was an artist and portrait painter who had his studio at Houston. The Telegra])h ancl Texas Register, May 9, 1837, carries the following statement: "There is a small gallery of paintings in Houston from the brush of Jefferson Wright. His portraits show real genius." Austin College, Sherman, Texas, has a copy of the portrait of Houston that was painted by Jefferson Wright. This copy is the work of an artist of Nacogdoches. REQUIREMENT OF STRICT CONFORMITY TO LAW WITH REFERENCE TO CLAIMS ON THE GOVERNMENT 1 Feby 1st 1838 This~ should have stated the day of his appointment and what time he was in the service Sam Houston. Let the requirements of the law be complied with- Let one ration in all cases be deducted where the Officer was in camp or at any port, for it is notorious that all officers draw rations, and none is allowed for a servant where the officer was entitled to but one! Require all the forms and receive no vague certificate. Sam Houston City of Houston, 1st Feby, 1838. Form of Certificate from War Dept. It must be used. I Certify that_____. ·----------·~----------was appointed a - --·-- ····---- _ on the____________····--······day of_····-·----~----····-··--··and that he is (or was) in service as such on·---·--·---------·--- ··-··· ··--·the...................... ~ day of-·---··--·-··------·-----··.·---· Signed &C,&c. S. H.
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