day January A. D. 1838 and of the Independence of Texas the Second.
Sam Houston
By the President Seery of State
[Endorsed] : Proclamation. county offices. Jan. 16, 1838
Election to supply vacancies in Recorded page 17 Examined.
1 Proclamations of the Presidents of the Re1mblic. of Texas,· also, Docu- ments muler the Great Sea.l, Reco,·d Book No. 87, 17, Texas State Library. Telegmph a.nd Texas Register, January 20, 1838.
To JOHN W. MooDY 1
City of Houston, 30th Jany, 1838.
Major Moody!! The President highly approves Yoµr sugges- tion3 in relation to Administrators, and desires that they should be observed by your Department. Let the oath be so amended in relation to Rangers, and mounted men as to embrace the fact of their not being mounted, for any part of the time, which required them to be mounted. Let them only be paid for the time which they were actually mounted, as cavalry & the residue as Infantry. I thank you for your vigilance-You will be sustained by the Executive and blessed by the Grateful People. Capt. Eastland was directed by me to make a full report on the subject of those not mounted. Sam Houston [Rubric] [Addressed] : From His Excellency, The President Mr. Stephens [Endorsed] : Re'fd with remarks to the Auditor & the sug- gestions approved. Sam Houston [Rubric] 1 Auditor's Papers, Texas State Library. !?John W. Moody. See Houston to the Senate, June 20, 1837, SThe suggestions which called forth such wholehearted approval from :: Houston were as follows: "Auditor's Office, Houston 29, Jan. 1838. "His Excellency The President: Upon a strict examination of the Rules presented to me by your Excellency I would beg leave to suggest as no pay is to be issued to the Administrator of a deceased soldier or Officer unless to a relative, whether it would not be proper to 1·efuse any action upon Cases of that Character, untill Congress shall pass some Law on that subject, as no Ranger is to be paid only as Infantry, who have not been - .;::.
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