PAGE To the Texas Congress, November 5, 1838, stating that since Congress had limited him to written communications, he refused to communi- cate anything, except to transmit departmental reports.______ 289 A Proclamation, November 6, 1838, recognizing J olm A. Monges to be the United States consul at the port of Matagorda._______ 290 An Exequatur is issued, November 6, 1838, to Elisha A. Rhodes, United States consult at Galveston ___ _____ --- -- 290 A Convention, November 6, 1838, between the United States and the Republic of Texas for marking the boundary between the two nations _____________________ 291 An Exequatur issued, November 6, 1838, to Young J. Porter, United States consul at the port of Brazoria_______________________ 293 To the Alabama and the Cushatta Indians, November 12, 1838, a "talk" advising peace ________ _ __________ 293 To the Superintendent of the Capitol, November 12, 1838, instructing him to appropriate a certain room to the Ordinance Department_ 295 To the Texas Senate, November 13, 1838, presenting a list of nomina- tions for ratification____________________ 295 To Robert A. Irion, November 14, 1838, instructing him to appoint H. L. Cooke Chief Justice_______________ 298 To the Congress of Texas, November 16, 1838, informing that body that he had appointed John Birdsall Chief Justice pro tem after the death of James Collinsworth, and asks for ratification of the appoint- ment_____________ ___ ____ 298 To the Texas Congress, November 19, 1838, calling attention to im- portance of running the boundary lines between the whites and the Indians on the northern frontier, also to the interference by Congress with his authority as commander-in-chief of the army____ 299 To the Texas Congress, November 19, 1838, transmitting to Congress a communication from the Secretary of War, concerning protection on the frontier____________________ 304 DECEMBER, 1838 An Election Proclamation, December 2, 1838, calling an election for a representative for Fayette County to fill a vacancy_________ _ __ 306 A Certification, December 5, 1838, of Wyly Martin's services in the Texas army __________ _______ ____ ·-----306 To the Texas Senate, December 10, 1838, submitting a report from the Secretary of State, concerning Foreign Relations of the Republic__ 307 A Certification, December 11, 1838, of John S. Roberts's appointment as Quartermastei· ----------------------------------------307 1839 JANUARY, 1839 The contract of the law partnership, January 8, 1839, between Sam Houston and John BirdsaJL._________________________________________ 308 To Henry Smith, January 15, 1839, certifying that F. R. Lubbock had been appointed to act as Comptroller of the Stock Fund during his (Houston) administration ····-···-·--·-·······-·-···-··--·--··--····--·-------- 308
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