The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II



except promissory notes, gold or silver. That all land scrip sold on credit heretofore, must be returned and the land relinquished and cancelled, as no agents were ever authorized to sell on credit, but positively and expressly limited to sell only for cash. Done at the City of Houston this 25th day of December, 1837, and in the year of independence the second. Sam Houston R. A. Irion, Sec. of State. 1Proclamations of the Presidents, Re1mblic of Texas, Texas State Library. Telegravh and Texas Register, December 30, 1837.



City of Houston, 4th Jany 1838.

General Jackson, Dear Sir, My friend Doctor Ashbel Smithz Surgeon General of the army of Texas; will soon leave here for the U. States, under orders, and I hope it may be in his power to offer his re- gard, and esteem, at the Hermitage. Should he have the pleas- ure of being presented to you, I have to solicit, in his behalf, the highest consideration. You will find Dr. S. a Gentleman of useful, ·varied, and elegant intelligence. More than this to me, if possible, the Doctor, has sustained the true principles of our country (as I conceive), and is my endeared personal friend. I trust he will be presented to my valued friend Colonel Earl ; 3 for whom I cherish so many kind and affectionate recollections! To you, venerated Chief, I beg leave to tender my grateful homage, and devout prayers, for your health, and happiness; with many returns of the New Year. Sam Houston. [Addressed] To General Jackson Hermitage Tennessee 1Ashbel Sm-ith Pave1·s, The University of Texas Library. 2Ashbel Smith. See Houston to the Texas Senate, June 7, 1837. sR. E. W. Earl. See Houston to Jackson, January 19, 1823.


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