GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of my Office at the City of Houston, this 19th day of December A. D 1837, and of the Independence of said Republic, the second. By the President Sam Houston [Rubric] R. A. Irion, Secretary of State 1 From the original in the possession of a Mr. Savage, Temple, Texas. There is a photostat copy in the University of Texas Library.
I, Sam Houston, President of the Republi~ of Texas, do hereby order and command the Chief Justice of the County of Fort Bend to cause an election to be held for all the Civil Officers necessary to organize said County after having given legal notice thereof Given at the City of Houston under my hand and Seal of Office this the 21st day of December A. D. 1837, and of the Inde- pendence of Texas the second. Sam Houston By the President R. A. Irion Secretary of State [Endorsed] : Proclamation for an election for Civil Officers County of Fort Bend 21 Dec. 1837 Examined 1 P1·oclamations of the Presidents, Republic. of Texas, Texas State Library.
Executive Department, Republic of Texas Whereas there are various reason inducing me, as the executive of this republic, to issue the following proclamation: Be it known, that I, Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, by the authority in me vested, do hereby ordain and declare that all Agents of this republic authorized to sell Land Scrip are hereby recalled, and their powers 1·evoked. That hereafter no land scrip is to be sold for less than one dollar and fifty cents per acre; and that when such scrip be sold the money is to be placed in specie paying banks, subject to the order of the Sec- ret.ary of the Treasury, and the sale attested by the cashier of such bank. That hereafter no money will be received for any debts or dues payable to this republic, either for customs or taxes,
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