Which documents Capt[ain] Boylan hopes will be returned after perusal. Sam Houston. 1 E. W. Winkler (ed.), Secret Jo1wnals of the Senate, Republic of Texas, · 1836-1845, 102. 2 0n May 22, 1837, Houston nominated Captain James D. Boylan as a master commandant. He was placed in command of the Brutus. The Senate rejected the nomination, and on October 4, 1837, ordered the sergeant at arms to arrest Boylan. .The editor of the Secret Journals of the Senate reports that the explanatory papers which Houston mentions in this docu- ment were not found when he edited the journals. The editor of these writings could not find them either, therefore, it is not clear what the Senate had to complain of in Boylan's conduct. See Secret Journals of the Senate, 54, 60, 72. Also see Houston to the Senate, May 22, 1837. PROCLAMATION ANNOUNCING THE APPOINTMENT OF D- McCANDLASS AS ASSOCIATE COMMISSIONER OF THE BOARD OF LAND COMMISSIONERS FOR MILAM COUNTYl IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME OR MAY CONCERN- GREETINGS: BE IT KNOWN, That I, Sam Houston, President of the said Republic of Texas, reposing special trust and full confidence in the honor, patriotism, fidelity, skill, and capacity of D. Mc- Candlass, do hereby appoint him to the office of Associate Com- missioner of the Board of Land Commissioners for the County of Milam, to which he has been duly elected by the joint vote of the Houses of Congress. Giving and hereby granting to him, the said D. McCandlass, full power and authority as such, to exercise and discharge all and singular, the duties, obligations, and trusts to his said office, in any wise appertaining, by the Constitution and Laws·of this Republic. T'O HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, and all and every the honors, fees, perquisites and dues there- unto belonging, for and during, and until the full end and term of his said appointment.
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