The Executive has always regarded it as the bulwark of a nation of freemen, and as such as estimates them in the present veto of the supplemental bill. These views are most respectfully submitted to the.considera- tion of the honorable House of Representatives; all impediments of the execution of the former bill arose from the want of a suitable appropriation, there not being a cent in the Treasury. Sam Houston. 1 The Journal of the House of Revresentatives of the Republic of Texas, 2d Cong., Annual Sess., pp. 288-289.
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Executive Department, Republic of Texas City of Houston, Dec. 18th 1837.
To the Honorable Senate of Texas Gentlemen: In reply to an inquiry from your Hon[orable] body, requesting my reasons for continuing Capt. J. D. Boylan in the naval service of the Republic, after the rejection of his nomination by the Hon[orable] Senate, I take great pleasure in stating that it was the result of much reflection, and had not the Executive continued him in command the consequences might have been fraught with some detriment to that arm of our National defense. Sanguine of the ratification of the nomination of Captain J. D. Boylan, he was ordered on board the Brutus, where the news of his rejection was communicated to him, and even then he would have been deprived of his crew had not the Executive been aware that he obtained the crew for the Brutus. The Vessels were then prepared for a cruise, and to have taken away the command from him at that time might have been the cause of much discontent and dissatisfaction to those men, whom he had been instrumental in placing on board his vessel; and consequently the desired cruise would have been dilatory in its consummation. For the advancement of the best interests of the Republic, and for that alone, the Executive most respectfully assures the Hon[orable] Senate he continued Captain Boylan in command. l have transmitted documents herewith, which will convince the Senate that the Executive was authorized in his nomination.
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