The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II



received orders from the Secretary of War to forward no more troops or Volunteers; that they would not be received. He also showed his orders from the Secretary of War to the officer under whose charge the troops were, and that his orders were peremptory. With these views, Gentlemen, I return the Resolution. Sam Houston [Rubric] [Endorsed]: Veto of the President to the Resolution placing Capt. Sylvester and his company on a footing with other volun- teers. Sustained by the Senate, December 15, 1837. 1 "Messages of the Presidents," Congressional Pctpe,·s, Texas State Library. This document carries with it the following enclosures: (1) Joint Resolu- tion Placing Captain Sylvester, his Officers and Company on a footing with other Volunteers. The document is signed by Joseph Rowe, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and by Mirabeau B. Lamar, President of the Senate. (2) Extract of a letter from William S. Fisher, Secretary of War, to Commissary General A. S. Thruston at New Orleans. The letter is dated Columbia, February 10, 1837. (3) General Orders of William S. Fisher, Secretary of War, dated March 10, 1837, and certified by Charles Mason, Chief Clerk of the War Department Columbia March 6, 1837. It is addressed to Colonel A. S. Thruston, Commissary General, New Orleans, and it is certified again by Charles Mason, Chief Clerk of the War Department, on December 12, 1837.


Executive Department, Republic of Texas City of Houston, Dec. 16th 1837.

To the Honorable Senate of Texas. Gentlemen: I have the honor of submitting for the ratifica- tion of your Honorable body the nomination 2 of Wm. R. Scott Esqr as Chief Justice for the county of Brazoria. Your advice and consent to this nomination is respectfully requested.


Sam Houston.

1E. W. Winkler (ed.), Secret J01.1rnals of the Senate, Republic of Texas, 1836-1845, 101. 2This nomination was confirmed. See ibid., 105.

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