Mr. Kaufman/ his friend and companion, being on the eve of departure, and Gen. H. having returned to the city, being rather more disposed to regard the lights, than the shades of Texas, is willing to write again! As Congress today appears (what it may not do tomorrow) rational & somewhat regardful of public duty and public interest, inspires the patriotic with hopes of future benefits. The base and dastardly are always ready to sacrifice their countries to low and sordid purposes. 'Tis thus we find a por- tion of all communities. Such men as Burton (poor dog) and those of his "cast,"-(for I go for casts) -but when I see such men as Rusk,3 and those who stand by their country, in the worst of times, my admiration is on tiptoe. The news from New York, by todays news from my friend Gf!n Swartwout 4 is favorable to our loan of $5,000,000 and I entertain a hope that we shall soon have a proud Navy, and drive every Mexican to his den! Congress will adjourn on the 15th Inst as I have always be- lieved, & most of them be at home on Christmas. I, too, should like it much! but whether that will be my lot, I can't say. Today, Secy of Navy ( Dr. Shippers), Judge Corzine,6 Com- missioner to run the boundary Line, P. W. Grayson,6 Esq. Naval agent to the U. States. and Colo. Wm. G. Cooke,7 Commissioner of the Funded debt, have all been nominated today. What the Hon'ble Senate will say in the case I can't devine. Great men do great things!!! The session has lasted long enough for Burton to find his level. It will be low and unenviable, when he attains it. Doct. Irion (the best of men) sends his regards to all; and every day I hear your friends say a thousand kind things of Miss Raguet. You will see us when we come! Until then felicity & salute your Excellent Parents & family.
Sam Houston [Rubric]
To Miss Anna Raguet [Endorsed] : (Mrs. W. L. Bringhurst)
For Miss
Sealy from Nettie Power Houston 1896-July 24.
1 The Sealy Scrav Book, Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas. ~David S. Kaufman. See Houston to Henry Raguet, November 16, 1837. 3 Thomas J. Rusk. See Houston to Rusk, l\farch 23, 1836. 4 Samuel Swartwout (1783-November 21, 1856), was a politician and financier of New York. In his early life he was connected wit.h the navy, and never lost his love for the sea and for all ma1·itime affairs. Throughout his life he was the warm and steady friend of Aaron Burr, although he was never implicated in any of Burr's political delinquencies. Andrew
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