necessary thus far, to marshal so large a force, and maintain it in the field, or to commence an offensive war, but has de- termined to await some indication on the part of the enemy, that will in the opinions of the world justify the most decisive measures to secure our independence, and establish an honorable peace. To this end, the officers and soldiers have been furloughed, except such a part as was necessary for maintaining certain positions, which were regarded as most requisite for our present circumstances. It is gratifying to assure the honorable congress, that a large portion of those who were furloughed, have directed their attention to agriculture, and the mechanic arts; they have become citizens, and now their lives, as well as their future hopes are identified with the destiny of Texas. Since the commencement of the present administration, the war department has been most laborious and difficult, in the performance of its duties. It has been improving in its organ- ization, and it is believed, that under the direction of the gentle- man who is placed at its head, a system will soon be established, and facilities of the country, inasmuch as they are connected with the department, greatly increased. The militia of all republics must be regarded and esteemed as the bulwark of liberty; and particularly so, while the generation remains which has achieved the emancipation of their country. With them liberty has begun, and they will preserve it at every hazard. Their organization :and discipline should claim first attention of congress, and as soon as it is perfected, Texas will be in a most confid.ent attitude of success, over all her enemies. The present militia laws are not so perfect, as to preclude amendment-nor has it been in the power of the war depart- ment to execute the wishes of Congress, owing to various causes, over which it had no control. It is hoped, that congress will give such direction to the subject, as will give the greatest efficiency to that arm of the service. The report of the secretary will be submitted to the congress for consideration. The extraordinary embarrassment of the finances of the coun- try at the commencement_of the revolution, and its continuance until the adoption of the present system, has been such as to prevent the creation of an efficient navy The extent of our sea-board inculcates the necessity, and manifests the advantages which must result to this government for the command of the Gulf of Mexico. The certain means which Texas now possesses, and must have at her disposal, induces the executive to urge the
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