A PROCLAMATION CALLING AN ELECTION 1 Be it known that I, Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, do, by virtue of the power in me vested, hereby order and direct that on the fourth day of September next, there shall be an election held throughout this Republic for Representatives, and in the Senatorial Districts of Nacogdoches, Red River, Shelby and Sabine, Washington, Bexar, San Patricio, Goliad and Refugio, for Senators in Congress; and it is hereby ordained and commanded that the Chief Justices of the respective Counties of this Republic shall hold the said election, and appoint judges and clerks for each precinct who shall be qualified by them or some other Justices of the same County, in which the precincts are established. The returns from each precinct are to be made by said judges of the respective Chief Justices within five days after the Election. And, Whereas, the Counties of Gonzales, Goliad, Victoria, San Patricio and Refugio are in a great measure depopulated, and the Citizens thereof residing temporarily in different parts of the Republic; therefore, by virtue of a joint resolution passed at the late session of Congress, it is hereby further ordered and commanded, that the Chief Justices of the Counties where such inhabitants may be residing shall appoint separate judges to receive their votes; which are to be returned by them to the Chief Justices, and by the latter forwarded without delay to the Department of State; and in like manner, should the regular election be held in any of the Counties named as depopulated, the Chief Justices thereof will make the returns to said depart- ment with as little delay as possible. Done at Houston this second day of August A. D. 1837 and of the Independence of the Republic the Second. Sam Houston R. A. Irion Sec'y of State [Endorsed] : Proclamation and Writ of Election for members of Congress. 2nd August 1837 Recorded page 6. 1 Proclamations of the Presidents, Republ-ic of Texas, Texas State Library.
To COUNT FARNESE Ville de Houston, Texas, le 5 Aout 1837
A Monsieur le Comte de Farnese Mon cher Monsieur, Votre communication du 28 passe, a reclame mon attention specialle, & par son importance aurait du
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