The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II



of the Leading Families of Central Texas, 106-108. Goodspeed Brothers (Chicago, 1894), Memorial ancl Genealogical Record of Southwest Texas, etc., 599. Wentworth Manning, Some History of Van Zanclt County (1919), 31-37.


Nacogdoches, Texas, 15 July 1837.

To Col. Alexander Horton/ Sir, You are hereby required to use every caution in your power to sustain the Civil Authorities in the County of San Augustine in the discharge of their duties in enforcing the laws of the county. It is expected of you whenever a mob acting in violation of the laws shall attempt to defy the Civil authorities, to call out sufficient force to at once disperse the mob and arrest the ringleaders. The civil authorities of the country must be sustained at all risks. The revenue laws of the country must be enforced and you will be held responsible for the same so long as your station will enable you to render the aid required. When the campaign shall commence it must devolve upon the Chief Justice of the country. Without law we are worse than slaves of Santa Anna and centralism. Sam Houston. 1 Notes from the Life of Col. A. Horton, written by his son, Sam Houston Horton, and copied from the original manuscript by George L. Crockett, 116. The University of Texas Library has a typed copy of Dr. Crocket's copy of the Horton Notes. 2 Alexander A. Horton. See Alexander A. Horton's Discharge, January 30, 1837. PROCLAMATION: A LAW ENTITLED "AN ACT TO RAISE PUBLIC REVENUE BY DIRECT T AX" 1 Executive Department, Houston, 31st July, 1837. Whereas a law, entitled "an act to raise a public revenue by direct taxation," passed on the 12th day of June last, by the congress of this republic, and which act requires that the ex- ecutive should issue his proclamation, in order that the necessary appointments contemplated in the same, be forthwith made by the county courts. Now, be it known, That I, Sam Houston, president of this republic, do hereby ordain, publish, and promulgate this my

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