The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II



self government. So soon as the Congress had adjourned and the various Departments of Government completely organized. I was satisfied that it was expedient and necessary to appoint another Minister and I could select no one more suitable than the one nominated, who had been present during the session of Congress and at its adjournment and could make the most satis- factory explanations at Washington in behalf of this Govern- ment. Mr. Hunt was sent as a coadjutor to the Honorable Mr. Wharton and as such he was recognized, and as Mr. Wharton assured the Secretary of State was very acceptable to him. Mr. Wharton in anticipation of the Recognition of the Independence of Texas by the U [nited] States, desired that he might be allowed to return after the 4th of March last, alledging the condition of his private circumstances as the foundation of his desire. The Secretary of State advised him that he had leave to return, and requested that he would hand over such documents touching the mission as were in his possession to Mr. Hunt, who would remain in his place until further orders. I considered Mr. Wharton's situation would be vacated agreeably to his wishes so soon as he returned to Texas. That a Minister is necessary at Washington there can be no doubt, and from the state of our finances it is very desirable that the Minister should be a Gentleman of fortune, and one whose own means for the present should be expended in his support. Mr. Hunt thus far has made no requisition on this Government for means of support. I respectfully solicit leave to recommend Mr. Hunt to the Senate for his appointment. Sam Houston. 1 E. W. Winkler (ed.), Sec1·et Jour·nals of the Senate, Republic of Texas, 1896-1845, 57-58. 2 Memucan Hunt's nomination was confirmed on May 25-the same day it was read in the Senate. For biographical sketch of Hunt see Houston . appoints Wharton and Hunt Min:sters to the United States, December 31, 1836. 3 See Houston to the Texas Senate November 16, 1836.

T'o THE TEXAS CONGRESS 1 Executive Department, Houston, 26th May, 1837

Gentlemen of the Senate and of the House of Representatives: I have the honor of presenting to your consideration and your particular attention the subject of the accounting Department of the Government.

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