The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II



PAGE To Thomas Toby, January 27, 1837, discussing President Jackson's message, and the recognition of Texas by the United States______ 41 To Anna Raguet, January 29, 1837, friendly letter-says his choice of capital would be at Groce's Retreat____ _______________ 43 Alexander A. Horton's Discharge, January 30, 1837_______________________ 44 To Mrs. Catherine Duane Morgan, January 31, 1837, concerning her sons _____ 45 FEBRUARY, 1837 To Thomas Toby, February 1, 1837, imploring him to fit out the Independence and send her to sea regardless of expense__________ 47 To Thomas Toby, February 1, 1837, second letter in same day, urging that the Indevenclence be fitted out.__________________________ 47 To Robert A. Irion, February 2, 1837, requesting him to show Mr. Reid land on Red River__________________________ _ __ 48 To Samuel Sawyer, February 3, 1837, stating that only the Judiciary could make decisions concerning vested rights.______________ 48 To Lieutenant Peter Harper, February 9, 1837, giving advice in regard to the settlement of Creek Indians in Texas.___________________________ 49 To Any Steamboat Captain, February 11, 1837, requesting passage for John Buchanan _______ ____ _____ 49 To Captain B. J. White, February 12, 1837, ordering him to scour the country to procure meat for the army____________________ 51 To Daniel Parker, February 13, 1837, reminding him that if orders had been obeyed, and a fort built, disaster on the frontier could have been prevented ---------------------------------- _______________ 63 To John W. Moody, February 14, 1837, promising compliance with a request _____ ------------------------ 55 To Henry W. Karnes, February 14, 1837, promising to appoint Doctor McGee a surgeon in his company___________________ 55 To Philip Dimmit, February 16, 1837, telling that Santa Anna had peti- tioned Andrew Jackson to mediate between Mexico and Texas______ 56 To Juan N. Seguin, Februayr 17, 1837, notifying him of a reported invasion from Mexico, and instructing that he write General Amada and warn him against such a violation of treaty___________________ 57 To William Hardin, February 21, 1837, reporting that Santa Anna had left Norfolk, Virginia, for Vera Cruz in an armed vessel of the United States Navy ----------------------------------------------------------- 58 To Thomas Toby, February 21, 1837, reporting that news from the United States concerning Texas was not satisfactory______________________ 59 To George W. Poe, February 28, 1837, stating that he could not change a general rule without extraordinary cause·---- --------·---------·--·---···--. 60 To John W. Moody, February 28, 1837, commanding him to audit George W. Poe's account ___ _____ ----------------··----- 60 MARCH, 1837 To Captain [Andrew] Neill, No date, probably February or :March, 1837, commanding him to hand over the property captured from Fulton B. Turner and let him pass, and to gather beeves to be paid for in cows and calves ____ ______ _________ ____ __ --·--·- ·- ·-------- ·--·-- ·-· -····---------· -- 61

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