PAGE A Synopsis of a Speech at Nacogdoches, May 11, 1855, discussing: the_ Texas debt, state system of internal improvements, especially rail- roads and their development in Texas____________ 180 JUNE-DECEMBER, 1856 A Speech, June 9, 1855, being a review of the San Jacinto campaign_ 184 To John Hancock, July 21, 1855, stating that he enclosed to him a letter to Hamilton Stuart, at Galveston ______________ 191 A Letter, presumably to Hamilton Stuart, July 24, 1855, stating Houston's opinions concerning the "American Order"______ 192 Synopsis of a Speech at Washington, Texas, August 2, 1855, berating Pierce's administration and his diplomatic appointees, discussion of the principles of Know-Nothingism _______________ 199 Synopsis of a Speech at Brenham, October 20, 1855, discussing the corruptions of the Pierce administration, and the principles of the "American Order" ______________________ 204 To Ashbel Smith, November 20, 1855, saying that he wished to see Smith------------------------ 207 Speech delivered at a Know-Nothing Mass Barbecue at Austin, November 23, 1855, discussing the principles of Know-Nothingism, and his reasons for joining the party ________________ 209 To Ashbel Smith, December 8, 1855, asking that Smith use his utmost influence in behalf of the widow of Captain Ross of the Yellow- stone --------------------------- 235 Extract from an address at Nacogdoches, December 21, 1856, opposing a bill for the naturalization of foreigners _____________ 236 JANUARY-MARCH, 1856 To Mrs. Houston, probably in January, 1856_______________________ ___ 238 T. A. H. Mickle, February 11, 1856, concerning his letter to President Pierce, January 28, 1853 _____ ________ ___ . 238 To Mrs. E. E. Ewing, February 17, 1856, concerning the education of her son, Gustus __________ ___ ______ _ _ 239 Remarks concerning Charges against Naval Officers, February 21, 1856_ 240 To his daughter, Nancy Elizabeth (Nannie), February 24, 1856, express- ing paternal affection for his children _________ 241 A resolution, March 4, 1856, concerning instructions to naval officers__ 242 A resolution, March 4, 1856, asking that the Secretary of the Navy be requested to give information concerning the salaries of naval officers of all grades ------------ -------- 242 To Mrs. Houston, March 5, 1856, an affectionate family letter_ _ ___ 244 A resolution concerning the action of the Naval Retiring Board, March 10, 1856 ------------- --------------- 245 Remarks, March 10, concerning charges against naval officers.____________ 246 Speech, March 18, 1866, concerning the action of the Naval Retiring Board, also resolutions, chiefly concerning the laying off of various officers to promote the interests of favorites...............:......._____________ 247
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