The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VI



much as though it inflicted wrong on fifty or one hundred. It is the principle that I do not sanction, and I will not do it. 1 Cong1·essional Globe, Part 1, 1857-1858, p. 745. 2 This is a reference to Jefferson Davis. A PERSONAL EXPLANATION, FEBRUARY 19, 1858 1 Mr. Houston. I rise for the purpose of making a statement which, I presume, is to be regarded as in the nature of a personal explanation. I notice, in the official journal of yesterday, a publi- cation signed "Texas," in regard to which I have a few words to say. My political and personal character is open to animadversion by anybody; but of my official acts I have a particular care. On Monday last I presented joint resolutions adopted by the Legislature of Texas during the past month. For the better understanding of the remarks which I have to make, I will read the resolutions: "Section 1'. Be it resolved by the Legislatu1·e of the State of Texas, That whereas, divers charges have been made against John C. Watrous, district judge of the United States for the eastern district of Texas, before the House of Representatives of the United States, with a view to his impeachment, and a committee of said House have reported the following resolution: 'Resolved, That John C. Watrous, United States district judge for the district of Texas, be impeached of high crimes and mis- demeanors'; and it is required for the honor of the State of Texas, and is due to the accused, that all of said charges be promptly and fully investigated and finally acted upon: that with- out intending to express any opinion as to the guilt or innocence of Judge John C. Watrous, the representatives in Congress from this State are hereby requested to take such steps as may be necessary to cause a full investigation to be made by the House of Representatives of the United States, during the present ses- sion, of all the charges that have been made against said John C. Watrous, and to use their best exertions to cause definite action to be taken thereon. "Sec. 2. Be it further resolved, That the Governor is herehl requested to forward to each Senator and Representative in Con- gress from the State, and also to John C. Watrous, a certified copy of the joint resolution." These resolutions having been transmitted to me in pursuance of the direction contained in them, I presented them to the Senate. I made no remarks upon them; I presented them in the ordinary course of business. Unless it was intended that I should make

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