statements which have induced the present Executive to act as he has done, when, perhaps, there would not have been a neces- sity for that action if the truth had been before him. If, however, you wish to subdue the Mormons, it can be done by volunteers in si>..1;y or ninety days; but if you undertake to do it by regulars, and increase your Army for that purpose, you will not be in a situation to commence operations efficiently in twleve months. It is said that volunteers are very expensive, and that it is more economical to employ regular troops. I do not see how they can be more expensive than regulars. You can get mounted volunteers as cheap as you can infantry soldiers of the United States-men who will provide themselves with their cavalry, and not exhaust the Treasury in purchasing it. For the reasons which I have stated, I shall oppose everything like an increase of the Army now and forever, in public and pri- vate Iife, at home and abroad, in word and in action. As a matter of principle, I am conscientiously opposed to increasing the Army in time of peace. I am not inclined, however; to disturb the present Army, but let them realize whatever may be expected from men who have given their lives to the service of their country. 1 Congressional Globe, Part 1, 1857-1858, pp. 646, 647. AGAINST INCREASE OF THE REGULAR ARMY, FEBRUARY 11, 1858 1 Mr. President, after the very eloquent and interesting speech of the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. Davis], I feel that I must of necessity, in defending what I believe to be correct policy, appear much to disadvantage. I have been impressed with the eloquence and propriety of his remarks so far as they are general in their application, but to this particular case, I do not conceive them applicable; but this may be owing to defective judgment or want of taste on my part. In the outset, however, I will ask of the honorable Senator to state in what instance I have used words derogatory to the Army? Certainly it was not my inten- tion to disparage that respectable class of gentlemen in the least; but he spoke of the hard terms I used in relation to the Army. [Davis explained the grounds for his statement.] Mr. Houston. Perhaps some terms may have escaped me that were improper for this body, as well as reflecting on the char- acter of gentlemen, which I should have regretted exceedingly. If to assume a position, and maintain it by a statement of facts is derogatory to the Army, that is not my fault, but my mis- fortune. When I said that our Army in time of peace was not
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