not considered orthodox, and it seems that I was read out of the party. In parting company with gentlemen, I did not part from my principles. My principles from the beginning were those of Andrew Jackson. I challenge any man to show the slightest dis- crepancy between those principles which I now cherish and ever have cherished, and the sentiments of Andrew Jackson. His doc- tine was, "principles without a platform"; but now the Democracy to a great extent is resolved into a platform without principles. I stand where Jackson stood-upon principle. After the digres- sion, I come back again to the Army; not that I expect to find · any refuge or protection there, because I think it is a very harm- less concern. [Laughter.] If I could really believe that it was the earnest wish of the Executive and the Secretary of War, based upon thorough information and a critical examination of the subject, that the Army should be increased as now proposed, I should regard it with a degree of seriousness which I cannot now attach to the proposition. Now, in point of fact, where do such suggestions originate? A lieutenant in camp in idleness may make a suggestion to a captain or a higher officer, for they form their associations, and the motion may be taken up and be generally disseminated throughout the Army. Some point is settled upon; some achievement to be accomplished; some change to be effected. They press their influence upon the Secretary of War. He takes it for granted that they are military men and must have digested the matter carefully, and he is ready without in- vestigation to yield his assent to their recommendation. He brings the matter to the notice of the President, and the President, satis- fied that the officer having charge of the War Department has much less to do than he has who supervises the whole, defers to his suggestion, and the measure is recommended to Congress. When it comes here, our duty is to investigate it with the best light we have, and to make our decision accordingly. We are responsible; not the Executive, not the Secretary of War. If those officers had investigated the matter thoroughly, and had made this recommendation for examination, it is as much our duty to investi- gate it and to yield or withhold our concurrence, according to our judgment, as if they had made no recommendation at all. The responsibility of its adoption devolves upon us, and not upon the President or the Secretary of War. We are sent here to act, as substantively as the President or the Secretary of War. I have no hostility to either of those gentlemen; but a fair, just, and excellent appreciation of them; yet I am not willing in opposition
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