inefficient enemy to the Indians. But try your rangers; their impulses will keep them in constant exercise, moving from place to place. They feel the excitement of action, and there is nothing lethargic about them to enervate them and make them desire repose, tranquility, or idleness. They would seek activity. Why? Because they are from that portion of the community where they have been inured to activity and toil from infancy. They are efficient men. So far as the fortresses are necessary to be kept up, let the regular soldiers do it. Whenever the emergency of the country calls for it, call on your volunteers, and they will rally to their country's call. These are the men I would depend upon. They are the men with whim I would hazard my life in full confi- dence that, so far as depended on their gallantry and valor, I would stand intrenched in the midst of a fortification of gallant hearts and brave arms. I never will vote for an increase of the regular Army, because it is useless. I would rather make ample provision for the Army we have; give them such compensation as will enable the officers, if they come in contact with the officers of other nations or our own citizens, to preserve a genteel and respectable appearance; and I would make the soldier comfortable, and supply him with everything needful for his position. I would rather maintain handsomely a small army than burden the Treasury with a numerous one. The four regiments which were raised some three years ago have cost, up to this time, just about the $20,000,000 for which we have been obliged to resort to a loan, and what have they done? Are your fortresses better defended? Have you added vic- tories to your account of national triumphs? Have they subdued any tribes of Indians? Have they given peace and security to our frontiers? What have they done? They have cost us millions of dollars of money, and that is the whole story-a short history of a glorious design. I was opposed to the creation of those addi- tional regiments, and I believe my position at that time was con- sidered to be a little heretical. I have heard gentlemen here speak of reading people out of the Democratic party. I did not know for what I was read out, nor did I care. I never inquired. If I had felt more interest, perhaps I should have inquired; but I never asked. Seeing that it did not effect my spirits or impair my general physique, I did not think it was so bad a thing. I saw that gentlemen were taking what I considered a wrong road, and I opposed them on the great matter now agitating the coun- try, and I opposed them in regard to the increase of the Army which was made three years ago. My views on those points were
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