CALENDAR 1828-1832
PAGE To Mrs. Nathan Morse, January 30, 1828, sending her a lock of Andrew Jackson's hair ____________ __________ _____ 1 1832-1853 To John H. Houston, December 2, 1832, about to enter Texas; discusses politics and affairs in general _________________ 1 To Samuel Swartwout, March 22, 1837, thanks him for aid to Texas vessels in New York harbor, and tells him that only the Texas judiciary is competent to pass on land claims _ _ ____ ____ 2 To M. P. Norton, July 14, 1844; reports serious illness, and asks for news ---------------------------- 4 A Review of the San Jacinto Campaign, a speech at Houston, summer of 1845 ___________ ______ ----·------ 5 To an Invitation Committee, September 2, 1845, consenting to address the citizens of Marion, Alabama, on September 13, 1845________________ 14 To Memucan Hunt, April 6, 1846, thanking him for a newsy letter________ 15 To Samuel Swartwout, April 29, 1846, thanking him for a friendly letter 16 To William Duncan, December 6, 1847, concerning depredations by authority of A. J. Yates on the timber on his estate at Cedar Point___ 16 Resolutions, December 25, 1847, concerning the Mexican War_____ 18 To the Secretary of the Tammany Society, June 25, 1852, regretting that he had a previous engagement for the July 4 celebration____ 20 To Mrs. Houston, June 25, 1852, a brief note explaining that George S. Houston, a member of the House of Representatives from Alabama, was a relative ________________________ 21 A Speech, [sometime in 1853] opposing legislation concerning religion and prohibition--------------------------- 21 APRIL-JULY, 1854 To James Buchanan, April 13, 1854, introducing A. J. Ruthven__ ____ 26 Remarks on his own resolution, June 14, 1854, proposing an earlier hour for the meeting of the Senate - - -------------- 26 To his daughter Nancy Elizabeth Houston, June 16, 1854, an expression of affection for all his children ------ ------- -- 28 To Lewis S. Coryell, June 21, 1854, stating that he had already accepted an invitation to be at Reading, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1854.___ 29 · Remarks, July 12, 1854, concerning E. W. Moore_, ________ 29 A Speech, July 15, 1854, answering E. W. Moore's letter to the Senator from Maryland ------ --- ---- ------------ 80 Remarks, July 27, 1854, concerning the Auxiliary Guard____ _ 64 Remarks, July 27, 1854, on the Civil and Diplomatic bill_ ___ _ _ _ 65 Remarks, July 30, 1854, concerning the Homestead bill_ _ _ ___ 66 Remarks, July 31, 1854, on the Rivers and Harbor bill_____ __ 72 A Request, July 31, 1854, for an early meeting of the Senate on August 1 74
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