attaching to it, if he has never periled his life in defense of the liberties of his country, that would not freely pe1·il existence again to protect and secure this Union to posterity.
1 Congressional Globe, Part 1, 1857-1858, pp. 492-497.
To MRs. HousToN 1
Washington, 10th February, 1858. My Dear Love, As usual I find myself at my desk, writing to you, in dirth of news. Yesterday, Mrs. vVilliams took me out in the City, and sent me last night several samples of calico to choose from, and I have decided that some I had previously purchased and had sent to my room, will answer your fancy. I intended to send you some that I liked for summer dresses for the Girls, and two elegant patterns of chintz. I suppose you might fancy one for yourself, and the other you might desire for some good friend, say Antoinette, or Kate. But you can see all I send and dispose of it to suit yourself. I will send them as far as Galveston by express, as I at this time intend. I hope you may get them safe and soon. I may put in the Box or Trunk, a set of hoops, if they are not all monopolized. I assure you, my Dear, that I do not give myself much care about any part of dress worn by the Ladies, for like the Spec- tator, I cannot tell from appearances the single from the married Ladies. It is difficult, too, to say which side should go before! My only object is to keep out of their way, and as the sailors say "give them sea way." Political matters, for a short time have come to a stand. The conduct of the Kansas officials, will be a subject of investigation by the committee on Territories, in the Senate as well as in the House. The House has voted, a speciai committee has been raised which is authorized to send for persons & papers, and this will lead to a full investigation of the full subject. This is the offspring of the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. So, my Dear, facts vindicate the course taken by me! Enough of this-I feel more concerned about you, my Love, than I do about the rascality in Kansas, or the rascally officials of President Pierce. If I could only be with my Dear Wife and children, I feel that I would be happy, even if Andrew should tell me, "I must learn them." Poor little fellow, I can realize my love for him.
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