either history or tradition lives. Texas has lost one of the bright his honor clear; as a statesman he was wise, considerative, and and staunch pillars of her edifice; and she has no material [with which] to replace him in this body. Mr. President, I offer the following resolutions: Resolved, That the members of the Senate, from a sincere desire of showing every mark of respect due to the memory of the Hon. Thomas J. Rusk, deceased, late Senator from the State of Texas, will go into mourning, by wearing crepe on the left arm for thirty days. Resolved, That, as an additional mark of respect for the mem- ory of the Hon. Thomas J. Rusk, the Senate do now adjourn. 1 Cong1·essional Globe, Part 1. 1857-1858, p. 331; also Journal of the Senate of the United States of Anwrica-, 1st Sess., 34th Cong., Ser. No. 917, p. 116. ' 2 James M. Mason, of Virginia, was Speaker pro tem of the Senate at this time.
258 P. Av. 12th Jany. 1858. My Dear Sir, This will be presented to you by Mr. Nicholas Clinch of La. whose name I mentioned to you when I had the pleasure of an interview. I sincerely hope with your kind disposition, it may be com- patible with the public interest to give him a situation. If Genl Rusk were living, it would be useless to trespass upon your attention, for he would have given all his influence in favor of Mr. Clinch. Sam Houston [Rubric].
1 From the Emil Hurja Collection, Washington, D.C.
AGAINST INCREASING THE REGULAR ARMY, FEBRUARY 1, 1858 1 Mr. President, not being prepared to support this bill, I think it proper to offer a very few remarks on the subject this morn- ing. I believe it is a principle in our Government not to encourage the raising and maintenance of large standing armies in time of peace. This principle should not be departed from. The disposi- tion of the present military force of the country is doubtless correct; and if I could perceive any advantage to result to the country from the adoption of this proposition, or if the present exigency was such as to require an additional force, I should with
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