Washington City, 29th April, 1846 My Dear Sam. I would write you a long letter, if I could, but I am in the Senate Chamber, and all are busy. I hope to see you ere long. I was happy to hear of you by our friend Allen. I was equally glad to hear from you by Mason, and by letter. The truth is, I can only get time to write to my wife, which I usually do, once, a day. · So you see my dear Sir, I am a home man, and one that longs to be there, and to stay there. You have time to write, and can write, therefore write to me. If we live to meet, I will have much to say to you of Texas & of days by gone! Genl Rusk, my friend and colleague, sends his regards to you. He is aware of your kindness to Texas in her dark days. You will please to present me affectionately to your Lady & family. Truly yr Friend, Sam Houston [Rubric] [Addressed]: To Genl Sam Swartwout New York N.Y. 1 0riginal in the New York Public Library; a photostat copy is in The University of Texas Library. Thanks to Mr. Victor H. Paltsits.
Huntsville, 6th Deer 1847 My Dear Sir, I was lately at Houston, and while there I learned that persons, by A. J. Yates authority, and others were cutting and using my timber at Cedar Point. You will recollect that I filed an injunction in Liberty Court to prevent this. 2 Will you now my dear Sir, appoint some trusty person in the neigh- borhood, a Deputy to prevent further injury. I saw & appointed at Houston Captain Thomas Shepherd as my attorney in fact, in relation to the land. You have the power, if needful, to summon the posse of the county, to inforce the injunction. For years, this miserable scoundrel Yates, has been cutting my timber and selling it at the Island. Cannot you put a stop to it. If the law, and its officers cannot arrest roguery and villainy, and protect honest men in their rights, Texas is indeed at a low ebb. Now I do beseech you, to use such means as will protect my rights, and secure my property from injury and theft.
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