And here we find a discrepancy between the report of the head of the Indian Bureau and the Secretary of War. We find that the Indian agent, in detailing the facts, gives them as they are, perfectly authenticated by the best evidence; and we find the officers giving a different glossary. These statements have to be reconciled. If I wished information in relation to the army purely, I would, with great pleasure and respect, go to the Secre- tary of War, for I know his intelligence would respond to any inquiry that is proper to his duty; but if I want information in . relation to the Indians, I go to the head of the Indian Bureau, where I expect to find an able intelligent, and attentive gentle- man. In the present instance, I am happy to say that I fully appreciate his conduct. I respect his capacity and his consist- ency in the discharge of the duties assigned to him. Sir, do we find in the report of the Secretary of War as com- plete information in relation to Indian matters as we receive from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs? I think not. In relation to the recent outrage against the Delaware Indians, in the usur- pation of their territory in disregard of every pledge made by this Government, we find that the Secretary of War has not re- ported the delinquency, or the criminality, of the officers engaged, but it comes in an authentic shape from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. What should be done in relation to this matter, it is not necessary that I should say. I gave my opinion the other day in relation to what ought to be done. [Mr. Shields asked for the names of delinquent officers of the army.] Mr. Houston. I assure the Senator that I do not exactly recol- lect; but I am perfectly willing to go as far as the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Doubtless they are matters of delicacy; and as an investigation may be pending-a court of inquiry, or a court-martial-in relation to the officers, he may not think proper to exhibit their names to the public. But he says that two offi- cers of the army were engaged in it; and I go as far as I am justified, in giving a statement which is authentic, I have no doubt-I am afraid it is; I wish I had a doubt. Our function- aries there, whether civil or military, are bound to protect the Indians equally with the whites. I want to see the officers im- pressed fully with the importance of their responsibilities. I want to see them as ready to maintain the dignity and character of the United States, and preserve, unsullied, its integrity, as I
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