a better name, and any which you may chuse [sic] shall be pre- fered [sic]. On this subject, if we live to meet, I can amuse you, I hope! Give my love to Mother & Sam and kisses to all the girls. Howda to all. Salute our friends! Thy devoted husband Sam Houston Mrs. Houston
1 0riginal in possession of Mrs. Madge W. Hearne, by whose courtesy this copy has been made.
REMARKS ON THE BILL GRANTING A PENSION TO MRS. DIX, FEBRUARY 15, 1849 1 Mr. Houston. Mr. President, I dislike to occupy any portion of the time of this body, but it seems to me that I would be doing injustice, not to my feelings, but to my sense of honesty and propriety, if I were to pass by the present bill without saying a few words. I do not impugn the motives of gentlemen who are opposed to it, because there is no middle ground between opposi- tion and support. I have no position to take but one in support of the bill, and I take that position from a sense of justice to the descendants or to the representatives of Colonel Dix. I need say nothing in commendation of that gallant officer. Sir, his services were his highest eulogium. He was a soldier, an officer, and a gentleman. His death arose from the circumstances of his ren- dering service, to his country, and that service connected imme- diately with the Mexican war. I think no question as to the justice of the claim of his widow to a pension should have arisen. He had not returned to his home. He was detained upon duty. In the discharge of that duty, connected with and inseparable from the Mexican war, he deceased. If he had fallen in battle, or on his way to the United States, no one, I presume, would dispute the just and equitable claim of his representatives to a pension. The compact made by the United States with its soldiers did not cease till they had returned to their homes. If a soldier deceased on the way to the United States, or to his home, the Government had not dissolved the connection, because they were to be marched to their homes and discharged.
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