The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume V



always unpleasant to me, but when I see them made the instru- ment of a little brief excitement, I do not dread the result of an appeal the intelligence of the people of this Union. 'Cong1·essio11al Globe, Appendix, 1847-1848, p. 699; also Ibid., Part I, 1st Sess., 30th Cong., 1847-1848, p. 812.



Washington City, 2nd July 1848. Gentlemen: The interesting ceremony which will take place on the 4th Instant-the national ann~versary of our Independence, will awaken in many American bosoms, the liveliest emotions, of patriotism, as well as veneration for the Father of his country. He was emphatically, the Pioneer of Liberty, in the Western Hemisphere. In looking to the occasion refer'd to, Texas, has not been un- mindful of her duty, but has tendered her tribute, of veneration, and respect, as well as her love of country to the shrine, which commands her filial devotion. A portion, of the fair and accomplished daughters of Texas, have prepared a flag, as their offering, and a token of their acquiescence in the policy as well as the measure of the annexa- tion of Texas to the other members of the Union. It is the flag which guided Texas amidst the gloom, by which she was sur- rounded, and the star which lit her pathway in her achievement. Hence it has become her cherished emblems. This tribute has 1.·eached the Delegation from the State of the Single Star, through the medium of a committee of highly respect- able, and intelligent young gentlemen of the city of Galveston. I can only express my sincere regrets that prior to my knowl- edge of the trust being confided to us, I had consented, to unite in the celebration of the 4th of July in Pennsylvania, and there- fore cannot witness the delightful ceremony, which a portion of our Delegation will on that day enjoy here. Sam Houston [Rubric] From Gen'l Houston to The Washington Monument Society. 1 Two copies of this document have been acquired: (1) a draft of the letter in Houston's hand, but not signed, in Mr. Franklin Williams's col- lection; (2) final draft in Houston's handwriting, which is also signed

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