The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume V

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advertise it for sale, if it is to be sold. Land in Texas can never be lower than it is at this time. Two hundred and fifty dollars will be 7½ % as I calculate it. My dear Miller, you must have made a mistake in calculating or charging 20 per cent on the sale. But I do not know what commission agents charge for the sale of lands. You never wrote me the letter I told you of for me to show Corcoran. I have had a long talk with him on your behalf, and he is kind to you in his feelings. I could not describe your business, for I did not know it. My best regards to your Sister & her family, and to your brothers. Don't fail to write me often. I am ever thine truly, Houston. Miller. 1 Mille1· Papers, Texas State Library. REMARKS CONCERNING A SPEECH TO BE MADE ON THE KANSAS· NEBRASI{A BILL, FEBRUARY 7, 1854 1 Mr. President, I propose, if an opportunity shall be afforded, to speak upon this bill myself. 2 I am as well prepared to vote upon it now as I shall be after I have addressed the Senate; but I wish to assign my reasons for my vote to the Senate, and they can judge whether they are sufficient, or insufficient to justify me in the course which I shall take. I have not conferred with any gentlemen in this body in relation to the postponement of the bill. I have no desire to postpone it for one moment longer than I think it is necessary to a fair discussion of it. I will not enter into any combination for the purpose of retarding its passage or delaying its progress; but, at the same time, I believe some importance has attached to it, not alone from the newspapers- for I do not go there for my information, and I do not care what they may say. I shall not heed their remarks, in regard to the course which I deem it proper to take. I shall take my course with reference to the importance of the subject itself, permitting no extraneous considerations to control my action. I do not perceive the necessity of urgency on this occasion. As newspapers have been referred to, I must say that the under- standing which I have derived from that source is, that a decided majority is in favor of the passage of the bill; and as there is no expectation that any important change will take place in the sense or opinions of the body, I think it is but fair that the

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