The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume V



PAGE for bis vote against the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and his position concerning the repeal of the Missouri Compromise_____ 469 To Washington D. Miller, March 2, 1854; tells that he had arranged with William W. Corcoran for the extension of Miller's note____ 503 Speech, March 3, 1854, opposing the Kansas-Nebraska bill: the meas- ure would shake the foundations of the nation; the repeal of the Missouri Compromise not necessary to the organization of Nebraska as a state; population of Kansas and Nebraska together not suf- ficient to form one populous county-population chiefly United States soldiers and Indians; a recounting of the method of state organization; the impossibility of preventing the Kansas-Nebraska issue from assuming a sectional nature; a review of the Missouri Compromise-a part of the constitution of Texas; Texas would be injured by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, it would be treason against the northern Democrats who had fought for south- ern rights concerning slavery; the Indian question again discussed- justice should be shown the Indians, treaty pledges and government promises should be kept; a closing discussion of the Kansas- Nebraska bill-decision of the question would determine union, or disunion ___ ____ _ ____________ 504 Speech, March 14, 1854, defending the right of petition: 3,000 preachers, "vicegerents of God,'' had petitioned against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise: repeal of the compromise a breach of faith, and citizens believing so had the right to petition against the act; the petition of the ministers misunderstood by the Senate_____ 523

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