The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume V



PAGE To his daughter, Nannie, February 17, 1853, pronnsmg to send her a pretty paper ·----- ___________________ ____ 397 Remarks, February 23, 1853, in defence of the Indians in Florida: dis- approval of calling out the militia to remove them; the Indians are willing to go West and unite with their brethren under suitable agents; the inability of the militia to conquer the Indians; the cost of one company of militia per year would be $1,200,000; while $10,000 or $15,000 in hands of capable agent sufficient for the work -------'--------------------------- 397 Remarks, February 25, 1853, on the proposition to substitute the civil for the military superintendency in the national armories: Civilian workers feel humiliated to have to salute military officers, and perform other regimented acts; officers and military men should not feel reflection on them by the change______ _____________ 401 Remarks, March 1, 1853, on the Texas debt, and for the issue of certain certificates of stocks to Texas in payment thereof: speculation in the Texas debt; the Santa Fe expedition; Houston's desire to pay the first debts of Texas; comment on William Gouge and his financial history of Texas,_ _________ _______________ 404 Remarks, March 2, 1853, concerning the territory of Nebraska______ 411 Speech, March 2, 1853, opposing the reaffirmation of the principles of the Monroe Doctrine: revival of the question is impolitic; history of the Monroe Doctrine; the career of Kossuth; comparison made between the Texas revolution and the invasion of Cuba; a review of the history of Texas; a eulogy of Jackson__________________ 411 Remarks, March 3, 1853, on the Indian appropriation bill: the Indian treaty was with the United States, not with the state of Florida; an amendment to the bill offered, providing that the sum appro- priated be paid to the tribe per capita, and the culprit punished if the provisions be violated -------- ------------------------------------ 428 Remarks, March 3, 1853, on the civil and diplomatic appropriation bilL_ 432 A eulogium upon the Indians, March 3, 1853____ _______________________ 433 Remarks, March 17, 1853, opposing payment of per diem and mileage to David L. Yulee _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___________________ _ _________ 440 A resolution, April 5, 1853, to print 1,000 copies of Bartlett and Gray's Explorations of the Mexican Botmdary: authors are scientific men; their conclusions were formed after long observations and investiga- tions of the country between Texas and California; a concern to the whole nation,____________ _____________________ 442 To Mrs. James A. Carr, April 8, 1853, concerning the payment of a pension ____________ ·------ _________ _ 446 To Guy M. Bryan, May 19, 1853, asking for a copy of a former letter__ 447 To Washington D. Miller, June 10, 1853; asks Miller to arrange a gathering on July 15, or 20, at which time he and Thomas J. Rusk might speak to the people of Austin and vicinity; asks about the collection of money owed to him by Thomas W. Ward; asks for a copy of the secret act of the Texas congress, concerning the sale of the Texas navy_____ _ ________ ______ 447

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