The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume I



\V. H. McIntire for the County of Goliad Andrew Briscoe for the County of Harrisburg Joseph Mott for the County of Jasper Chichester Chaplin for the County of Jefferson D. P. Coit for the County of Liberty Silas Dinsmore Jr. fo1~ the County of Matagorda Andrew Rabb for the County of Mina Chas S. Taylor for the County of Nacogdoches Robert Hamilton for the County of Red River John McHenry for the County of Victoria William McFarland for the County of San Augustine George 0. Lusk for the County of Shelby John Dunn for the County of Refugio John Turner for the County of San Patricio John P. Coles for the County of Washington Massillon Farley for the County of Milam Patrick Usher for the County of Jackson and William Menifee for the County of Colorado.

Sam Houston 1 "Messages of the Presidents," Congresional Pavers (1836-1845), Texas State Library. E. W. Winkler (ed.), Secret Journals of the Senate, Repub- lic of Texas, 1836-1845, p. 34. 2 All these appointments were confirmed on the same day they were pre- zented to the Senate.


Executive Department, Columbia, 20th Dec. 1836.

To the Hon[orable] the Senate Gentlemen I have the pleasure of presenting to you for your approval the names of Thomas J. Green/ as Senior and Felix Hustona as Junior Brigadier Generals, in the Army of Texas. I have not presented the nomination of a Major General, as there is not a Division now composing our Army, and even less, than a Brigade in the field. Whatever appointments may of necessity be made in the Army, in the recess of Congress (should your Honorable Body adjourn soon) will be with an eye single, for the good of the service, and will be most promptly submitted at the next session for your ap- proval. ·

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