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Therefore, I, Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, do issue this my proclamation, hereby revoking and annulling all power and authority, of all and every person or persons whom- soever, in the United States or elsewhere, claiming to be agents under the late government acl interim, unless the same has been recognized in writing by the present existing government. And I do further proclaim and declare that no person or per- sons in the United States, is authorized by this republic to ask for and receive in the name of this government, any money, goods, or other valuable articles, except such persons as have been au- thorized in writing by the present constitutional government. And it is hereby respectfully and most earnestly requested of all such persons in the United States, as have made any gift or payment of any money, goods, or other valuable articles, to any person or persons, claiming to be agent or agents of this govern- ment, to send an account of the same, by letter to Col. Wm. Christy, of the city of New Orleans; and also state by whom, and to whom, it was paid or given; in order that such persons who have defrauded them and this government, may be exposed to public reprobation. Given under my hand and private seal ( there being no seal of office at Columbia) this 15th day of December, A. D., 1836; and of the independence of the said republic, the first. Sam Houston S. F. Austin Secretary of State. 1 "Proclamations of the Persidents," Congress·iona.l PaJJers; and Docu- 1nents u,ule,· the G1·eat Seal, Record Book No. 97, pp. 3-4, Texas State Library. Telegmph, and Texas Register, January 18, 1837. The copy for this work is taken from Reco1·d Boole No. 97. It differs slightly from the Telegraph, copy in paragraph arrangement. PROCLAMATION RECALLING LETTERS OF MARQUEt In the Name and by the Authority of the Republic of Texas. WHEREAS, the late government " ad interim" of the Republic aforesaid, have at various times and to divers Individuals, issued and granted commi;sions for "Letters of Marque & Reprisal," and Whereas similar commissions have also been issued by the present Government as a means of temporary defence, which from the increase of our National Marine has now become inex- pedient and believing that it is not only the duty but the policy of all civilized Governments to discountenance every specie of warfare which is manifestly calculated for mere private plunder,
I. I.
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