Now therefore be it known that by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and in virtue of the power vested in me, I do by these presents make, constitute, appoint and accredit our trusty and faithful fellow citizen Fairfax Catlett Esquire to the said United States of America as Secretary to said Legation. Giving to him full and ample power as such to take possession of and safely keep all and singular, the Archives of said Legation, and to have them at all times in the City of Washington in said United States, there to remain and conduct the duties of his said appointment, according to the laws and customs of Nations, in such case recognized and according to the Instructions of our Minister Plenipotentiary, resident thereat and the instruct!ons of the Secretary of State of this Republic. And in case of the death removal, or other cause of vacancy in the office of said resident Minister, he the said Fairfax Cat- lett shall and he is hereby empowered, and authorised, on the behalf of this Government, fully and completely to take charge of and superintendent the affairs of this Republic with the said United States in all things, until duty superceded in the discharge thereof. Herein and hereby ratifying and confirming in every case such case all his acts and doings in the premises In Testimony &c 13th Decemr 1836 LS S. F. Austin Secy of State. 1 Executive Recm·ds, 1896-18.'17, No. 38, p. 11, Texas State Library. To THE TEXAS CONGREsst Executive Department, Columbia, 13th December, 1836. To the honorable the Senate and the House of Representatives: Gentlemen: It becomes my duty and at the same time, it gives me pleasure to call your attention to a gentleman and a friend of Texas, who has but recently arrived in the country, and has claims upon you: viz. John Woodward 2 Esq., of the state of New York. The accompanying documents, the one marked A, the other B, will enable you to see upon what this communication is founded. Actuated purely by a spirit of patriotism and benevolence, he has been the devoted and constant friend of Texas through all her difficulties and struggles for liberty. When a dark and
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