The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume I



HOUSTON PARDONS JOHN P. WALLACE 1 Executive Department, Columbia, Texas, December 12th 1836 Whereas John P. Wallace was on the 1st day of December A. D. tried and convicted in the County of Liberty in the Republic of Texas of the crime of Arson and sentenced to be hanged on the 21st day of this Instant. And Whereas, it has been made appear to me Sam Houston President of the Republic that the said John P. Wallace is a fit object for Executive clemency; therefore I Sam Houston President &c do by virtue of the power vested in me by the law of the land freely and fully pardon him the said Wallace of said crime of which he stands condemned and do hereby com- mand all Ministerial Officers and others concerned to obey this ·warrant and discharge him the said Wallace on the day on which he is to be executed. Seal Sam Houston S. F. Austin Sect'y of State 1 Record Book of Documents U1ule1· the Great Seal, Department of State, No. 37, p. 3, Texas State Library.


[ No date]

Genl Felix Houston Commanding Army Sir, I transmit to you the above copy of my letter to Mr Browning because the principles contained in it, are the same which I require of the Army,-and you will th~refore see them enforced in the Army in future. 1 Letter Book No. 1, 131, Texas State Library. :?General Felix Huston. See Houston to the Texas Senate, December 20, 1836. aGeorge W. Browning. See Houston to George W. Bro,rning, December 8, 1836.


In the name and by the authority of the REPUBLIC of TEXAS free sovereign and Independent, to all whom these presents mny concern, I Sam Houston President thereof send GREETINGS. WHEREAS a Legation has been sent to the United State.; of America having for its object the Independence and Peace of Texas, and the permanent happiness of both Nations

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