The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume I



Zavala and make requisition of such articles, as were necessary for the subsistence and comfort of the Armya &c

Sam Houston [Rubric] Columbia 17 Deer. 1836

This is to certify to the order referred to in the foregoing certificate that I proceeded to the house of Don Lorenzo De Za- valla and took possession of such articles as I could find that I thought to be of use to the Army, say a quantity of tools cooking utensils &c,&c.&c. and in fact all that I could find, except those that were taken and appropriated to the Medical Department- And I further certify that the said Zavalla is justly entitled to pay from the government of Texas for said articles- John A. Wharton [ Endorsed on jacket] : No. 2 Memorial Petitioner Lorenzo de Zavala. Subject Matter: His father's house was near the battle field of San Jacinto and was used as a Hospital. Asks pay- ment for Provisions, Furniture etc, used by the Army. Date:i January 15, 1841, File Box No. 100 Letter No. Z. 1 .11emorials and Petitions, Texas State Library. 2 See Houston to William T. Austin, March 15, 1836. :ine Zavala's "memorial that was attached to the above document is as follows: "To the hone. the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Texas in Congress assembled. "Your Petitioner would most respectfully Represent, that on the 2ht. of April 1836 Genl Houston Commander in Chief of the Army then encamped near the Battle Ground of San Jacinto, communicated an order to Col. Wharton, Adjutant General to proceed to my Fathers House on the oppo-· site side of the Buffalo Bayou and get every thing that could be found necessary for the comfort & subsistence of the Army, He the Adjutant General accordingly proceeded and took a quantity of tools, cooking uten- sils, and in fact everything that could be found except articles that were 1-equired and appropriated for the Hospital, which were all the Furniture, Wines & Provisions, and the House was made the Hospital for the Army., the accompanying certificates will establish the facts stated, The cost at the lowest Estimates is as follows "A Box of Carpenters tools, the cooking utensils, the shovels, spades, Axes, and lead, nails, &c.&c. that were used for shot and Balls, 230 dollars. And the Furniture Wines Provisions &c, &c. 450 dollars, total amount (680 dlrs-six hundred & Eighty dollars par funds. An dalso three times that amount was required to place the House in as comfortable a situat_ion as it was then, your petitioner would consider the amount thus Estm~ated (taking into consideration the situation .of the Country and the sacrifices due every Citizen) as a full compensation for these losses- "And your petitioner in duty bound will ever pray" Lorenzo de Zavala Austin Jany 15, 1841 [Endorsed]: 22 180 Petition of Lorenzo de Zavala 15th Jany 1841 Refd to select cm Messrs Reily, Houston, Arnott Grigsby, Roberts.

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