1813-1817 To John Armstrong, Secretary of War, September 15, 1813, accepting an appointment as ensig ~-----------------·----·-······-- 1 To John Rhea, March 1, 1815, asking for Rhea's influence to retain him in the army______________·------------------------------------------------·-···--·---·-- 1 To Joseph Anderson, March 1, 1815, desiring to remain in the U. S. A1·my, he asks for Anderson's influence to that er.d_______________________ 2 To James Monroe, Secretary of War, petitioning to be retained in the U. S. Army___________________________ ------·--···--·------- -------- 3 To Captain Alexander Campbell, April 25, 1815. Personal plans con- tingent upon his remaining in the army_ __ ______ ____ 4 To John Armstrong, July 4, 1815. A report__________________________ 5 To William H. Crawford, February 16, 1816, asking for an adjustment of his rank in the army_____________________________________ 6 To Andrew Jackson, January 10, 1817, explaining the maladjustment of his 1·ank in the army____________________________________ ______ 7 An extract from Division Orders, October 28, 1817, concerning Hous- ton's appointment as sub-agent to the Cherokees_________ _ ___ 8 1818-1822 To Gene1·al Daniel Parker, March 1, 1818, tendering his resignation, and asking for his commission in the United States ArmY---······-·-- ·---·-· 8 Expense Account as sub-agent to the Cherokees in 1817, May 9, 1818_ 9 To John C. Calhoun, July 21, 1820, correcting a return._ ___ 10 To John C. Calhoun, June 4, 1822, acknowledging a balance of pay due him for service in the U. S. Army, and demanding a draft payable at Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia....-----·---·- ·•-·-- -- ·----·--· 10 To John C. Calhoun, July 6, 1822, refusing to accept a draft for his services, drawn on the Nashville bank----~----·---··-·---··--·----------····-·-·-·-- 12 To Andrew Jackson, August 3, 1822, notifying Jackson that the U. S. Senate had passed a resolution recommending him as the next president._ 13 1823 To A_ndrew Jackson, January 19, 1823, stating that he had learned that Crawford was not a favorite in Alabama______________________ 14 To Joseph McMinn, February 15, 1823, expressing gratitude for McMinn's friendship and kindness.._______________________________________ 16 To Joseph McMinn, March 30, 1823, congratulating him on the appoint- ment to an Indian agenCY------------···----------------·-------··-·--·-·----· 18 To Major Abram Maury, December 13, 1823, saying that Jackson's presence in Washington had greatly affected the Caucus question____ 19 1824-1825 Remarks in the U. S. House of Representatives, January 22, 1824, on Greek independence -----------·---··--····-·-------··----------------------- 21 To Andrew Jackson, July 20, 1824, asking for a statement concerning Captain Campbell's treatment of American prisoners during the Revolu- tionary War ------·-·----------·--·----·---------·-·-·--------·-----·--·----·----------·--·----- 24
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