despond, before I am disappointed, and I suppose that will be some time for I will not court any of the Dear Girles before I make a fortune and if I come to no better speed than I have done heretofore, it will be some time, but I hope before this reaches you, or soon after you will have it in your power to inform me of your marriage to Miss N. Steele for when I left Virginia I thot. it was not far off. I have not any news of importance to write you, people here are much gratified at the restoration of peace, and as we are all Republicans we do not think it is a dishonorable peace, the officers of the army had as soon war had continued, or the major part of them, as for me, I would not want peace if I did not believe it was promoting the happiness of the community at large, but at any time I ain willing to sacrifice my wish to the welfare of the Republic. Please present my warmest respects to your mother and all whom you believe are my friends Sarni. Houston:? [Addressed on reverse]: Capt. Alexander Campbe!l, 3 Lexing- ton, Va Mr. Ro. McEwell'' 1 The Qmwtcrly of the Texa-s Histo1·ical Association, XV, 160. 2 It is noteworthy that this letter is signed ''Sam'- Houston," while in later life Houston always signed his name "Sam Houston." 3 Captain Alexander Campbell was an old friend and near neighbor of the Houstons when they lived near Lexington, Virginia. During the winter of 1814, Houston spent several months in Washington, D.C., having his wounds . (received at the Battle of the Horse Shoe-Tohopeka), treated. At that time he visited among his old friends at Lexington. William Carey Crane, Life and Select Litera·ry Remains of Sam, Houston, 28-31. 4 Robert McEwen, the messenger who carried this letter, was Houston's cousin and intimate associate. McEwen was a man of considerable im- portance in the public life of Tennessee; from 1836 to 1840, he was the superintendent of the public schools of the State. James Phelan, History of Tennessee, 236.
Nashville July 4th 1815 Sir In conformity to a general orper dated the 12th Ultimo I do myself the honor of reporting to you S. Houston 2d. Lieut. 1st Regt Infy 1 Original in the War Department, U.S. Courtesy of Colonel M. L. Crim- mins, a photostat from his private library.
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