PAGE Proclamation, December 15, 1836, concerning Texas agents in the United States -------------------------··-------------·--------·--··-------·-···-----·------------· 507 Proclamation, December 16, 1836, withdrawing Letters of Marque and Reprisal that had been issued as a means of temporary defence during the campaign of 1836__________ ______________ _ ___________________________ 508 To the Texas Congress, December 17, 1836, vetoing the bill establish- ing the Post Office Department____·-----··-·--··- -·-··---- --···-····-··-·········--- 509 Proclamation against Slave Trade in Texas, December 19, 1836_________ 510 To the Texas Congress, December 19, 1836, vetoing the bill to estab- lish general regulations for the Texas armY------·-············-·········-·---··-··-·-- 511 To the Senate of Texas, December 19, 1836, presenting a list of nom- inees for the office of district attorney·-··-·---·-·········---···-·········-·-····----·-··- ··· 512 To the Texas Senate, December 20, 1836, presenting a list of nominees for the offices of Chief Justices of the county courts-·-·············-··-·------·-- 513 To the Texas Senate, December 20, 1836, nominating Thomas J. Green as senior, and Felix Huston as junior Brigadier GeneraL..·--··--·-········-·- 514 To the Senate, December 20, 1836, nominating John W. Moody Auditor for Public Accounts- ---········-······-·-·····--·- ---···-·---··-··----····-·-·--------··- 517 To the Texas Senate, December 20, 1836, nominating Asa Brigham Treasurer of the Republic ----------·--- -----···--- - - - - -·---------- 517 To the Texas Senate, December 20, 1836, laying before the Senate a treaty made between the commissioners on the part of the Provisional Government and the chiefs of the Cherokees and associated bands. He emphasizes the importance of ratifying this treatY--------·······- ······--·- -- 518 To the Texas Congress, December 21, 1836, vetoing the bill to establish a General Land Office of Texas-·---···-··--·-····--·--·--···-----······-·-·-·-··-·-·····-·- 519 To the Texas Senate, December 21, 1836, submitting a list of nominees for various offices in the navy..- ---··--·····-····- ··----··-·····-----·--·-- ----- ·-·- -·----- 520 To the Texas Senate, December 22, 1836, submitting a list of nominees for various offices in the armY---------------------··---·········-----······-··---·------ 521 To the Texas Senate, December 22, 1836, nominating Robert Barr Postmaster General of the Republic__________________ _____________ ________________ 522 To Stephen F. Austin, December 24, 1836, authorizing him to issue a passport to Thomas R. Jackson__________ --···--------··------522 Approval of a secret resolution passed by Congress concerning the sale of One Million Dollars of Government bonds, December 24, 1836 [omitted]. To Henry Smith, December 26, 1836, instructing him to communicate certain 1·egulations to all officials of the Treasury department____________ 523 Proclamation, December 31, 1836, of commissioners to the United States to secure recognition of Texan independence_____ ___ ___________________ 524 To Henry Raguet, December 31, 1836, congratulating him on the safe arrival of his family at home, and sending to all felicitations of the season -·-·------···-·-·-···-- - - - ··----····--····---··-·------·--··-·····--· -·--·-····-··- -·- 525 For list of 1813-1836 documents to appear in Volume II, see page...·-····· 526
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