The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume I


PAGE To Thomas J. Rusk, April 3, 1836, reporting his arrival west of the Brazos, the enemy-1,000 strong-on the Colorado, that the government was safe at Harrisburg ·················-········--·········--····-·-·····-·······-····--·- 393 To Thomas J. Rusk, April 4, 1836. Reports the massacre of Fannin's command; that expresses had been sent to the United States; that high water prevented the enemy's crossing the Colorado; that San Felipe had been burned-not at his order-and asks Rusk to come to the army if possible ---··-·····--·-················---·-··-·---·····--····-····-·-····---··-···-··· 395 To Mosely Baker, April 5, 1836, expressing regret at the loss of stores and other property at San Felipe, and reporting that reinforcements were being sent Baker. He orders harmony and discipline to be main- tained ··•········-······· .. ····-······· .. ..... . ·····-··· · - -···- ······ ······- --·· ··· · - - · · · ··- · -· - - - 396 To Major .... .... .... [Karnes] (?), April 6, 1836, saying he wished a spy company as suggested, and reporting that the enemy did not advance·-·· 398 To David G. Burnet, April 6, 1836, telling of the difficulties of keeping the a rn1y together ......................··········-··- ·-·····--··········- ······- ······-·····••·••···--·- 398 To David Thomas, April 6, 1836, reporting Rusk's arrival in camp; the miserable condition of the enemy's troops, that intercepted docu- ments showed Edward Gritten to be a SPY·········--····-···-··---····----- 399 To Henry Raguet, April 7, 1836, recommending Ira Ingram and saying that he was about to meet the enemy on the Brazos······-·-····················-····- 400 To John Forbes, April 7, 1836, issuing special orders that Quarter- master Winfield should go to Washington to procure blankets and clothing ·············-···················.·······-·--·························--······-······· ___ 401 Houston's Orders to Field Officei·s, April 7, 1836....-·························-······ 403 To John M. Allen, April 8, 1836, te11ing Allen to assure the people that the surest way to protect the country was to join the armY--··-···-·· 403 To David Thomas, Ap1·i1 9, 1836, secretly warning against Peter Kerr, and urging that all prisoners be guarded welL..---··-·- ··-···-·-······-·········-· 404 To David G. Burnet, April 11, 1836, presenting Joseph Powell.·--·---· 405 To Henry W. Karnes, April 11, 1836, ordering Karnes to take charge of the Horse Guard and the Cavallo-yard, and urging the greatest care for their preservation···········--··-··--··-··········-······--·-····--·-··-··--··· 405 To David Thomas, April 11, 1836, presenting Joseph Powell, but pri- vately warning Thomas that Powell was a panic maker, probably a spy.._ 406 To John E. Ross, April 11, 1836, authorizing Ross to do as he thought best in the matter of transportation of the troops...·--··--···-····-··-·---- 408 To Citizens of Texas, April 13, 1836, censuring them for the panic..___ 408 To the Bowl, Chief of the Cherokees, April 13, 1836, assuring him of his continued friendship ·············-·········--··....- ·············-··-········---······-········· 409 To David Thomas, April 13, 1836, defending his policy of retreat from Gonzales, and stating that he had held the army together under great disadvantages ·······--·---·--···---· ---·-····-········-- -····-·--··· 410 To Nathaniel Robbins, April 13, 1836, commanding him to seize guns and all other weapons that might be of help to Texas, and that all deserters be arrested····-····-······--···-···-·-·······--········-···-·········-·····-·--·····-······ 412 To John A. Wharton, April 15, 1836, granting a furlough of fifteen days to E. H. Winfield.......-.. ---------- 412 To Henry W. Karnes, April 19, 1836, commanding him to keep his detachment on the east side of the bayou and unite with the main army._ 413


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