PAGE To Andrew Jackson, April 20, 1834, asking that the fine and court costs of the Stanbery Case be remitted to him.-----··--··-·------------·-··-·--·-····--·-- 287 To James Prentiss, April 20, 1834, expressing the opinion that Texas will not be acquired by the United States, but within the year would become a sovereign state, and within three years would be free from the l\'Iexican Confederacy- -·······--····-··.···---·············-- - ····- ---···-·-·····- ·-········-- - 289 To James Prentiss, April 24, 1834. Thanks Prentiss for interest manifested in his affairs; he says there will be no hope for the United States to acquire Texas during Jackson's administration; he adds that Texas must do for herself, and that she ought to preserve her integrity to Mexico ···----·-- -----·- ··---- _____ ___ - - - 29Q 1835 The Prosecution of William Rummey, March 4, 1835----·····---·-·-·- 292 To James Prentiss, April 9, 1835, introducing James Smith.......·- ······-·· 292: To John A. Wharton, April 14, 1835. Mentions the duel between Wharton and William T. Austin··-- ·--·-·--··--·-··-······-··-·-···--·---293 Application for Headright in Burnet's Colony, April 21, 1835·-···--·--·- 296 Houston's petition in behalf of a client, April [?], 1835......·- ·-··- - - 297 To John Mora, May 6, 1835, appearing as agent for John Lesslicher vs. Anthony Nixon ···-·---··-··- ---·····-·-···----·----······--··-·--·--···- - -···-······· 298 Proclamation to Citizens of Texas, August 29, 1835.·-·····-······--·- ··-··-- 298 To Andrew Jackson, September 11, 1835, asking for aid to suppress an incursion of C1·eek Indians into Texas·-···--······-···--- -------······-·-···-· 299 To Isaac Parker, October 5, 1835, stating that war was inevitable, and that the United States will respond to the call of their brethren in Texas ··-···---····----···-----···-··----------···--·-······-·---····--302 Houston's nomination as commander-in-chief of the troops of the Nacogdoches municipality, October 6, 1835..-·-····---·-- ····--·-·-- ··--·--·- ···- 303 To the Troops of the Department of Nacogdoches, October 8, 1835, ordering company organization---········--·-··--···-···-··-·-------·-··-304 To James W. Fannin, November 13, 1835. Tells of his own election as commander in chief of the Texas army, and offers Fannin the position of Inspector General of the army·---··-·-···----- --·-······--······- -- ---- ·-- -· 305 Resolution to annul land grants [No date, evidently on or before November 13, 1835] ·-·--·- ············-·····-···-- - ··- ---·--·-·······- ·-·- --····-·--············- ··- 306 Allowance for stationary, fuel, quarters, presented to and approved by the Quartermaster General, November 14, 1835 [omitted]. To the Governor and General Council, November 20, 1835, enclosing the repor't of Ira Westover, detailing the destruction of Lipantitlan ·--··· 307 To Wyly Martin, November 24, 1835, ordering that in the event of the withdrawal of the Texas army from before Bexar, it should divide, one division going to La Bahia, the other to Gonzales·-····-·-··-·······-··-·-·---··-·--·-··-· 307 To A. Hitchinson, November 30, 1835. He w1·ites that the "ultimate aim of Texas is independence"; that 'l'exas will need 3,000 volunteers, and more will be acceptable·---··---·----··-····-·-·--·-··--······-········-········--···- ····· 309 To the President and General Council, December 3, 1835, transmitting n letter from Francis B. Wright, addressed to Stephen F. Austin and himself -··-···- ___ ------·--···-·---···--···-·---·---·····-····-·····-- 310
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