His Excellency
Lt Gov. A C Horton Sir,
Col. Harney having left for the Rio Grande on the 23rd Inst. I am placed by his order in charge of this frontier, and not having made me acquainted with the number and character of the troops called for upon your Excellency, I am constra'ined to ask for a copy of his requisition for the same, and any ccrrespondence that may be essential to the mustering in and location of the troops required, that may be important. Cap't Cody's Company under the orders of the Col: will leave this place tomorrow to join him & unless a company called for at Castroville is filled immediately, there will not be a man here for the defence of this section of the country, short of San Mar- cos. I was ill at the time of his departure, or immediate prep- arations for so doing, and he left in a hurry, so that I am wholly un'informed upon the subject. Cap't Merrill of the U. Army will leave the day after to- morrow for Austin & the Brazos etc, to muster in the Companies called for & I would be much pleased if Cap't Grumbles could join at this place at the earliest moment. There is an immense amount of public stores thrown in here by the Government, and they will be wholly unprotected. You will confer a favor upon me also by designating the most suitable points at which the Companies required for the Trinity Brazos etc should be sta- tioned & give me this information: as also that you would di- rect the Captains to make weekly written reports, in short notes, of their expeditions, detailing the number of men, distance & direction of scouts and the results of them. These will be sent by express from one Company to another from East to West & will be forwarded finally to me at this place-And should any- thing extraordinary take place, it will be immediately reported. I am sorry to trouble you with these matters, but I cannot give orders until the Companies are in service, & after that time much delay will occur before proper instruct.ions could reach the Captains, so distantly removed. With the highest consideration, I am, Yr. Excellency's Most Obt. Servt. (Signed) TH. I. FAUNTLEROY Maj. 2d. Drags, Comdg. [J. Pinckney Henderson, Executive Record Book, Number 28, Pages 53-54.]
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