Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III



and their associate bands are now, and forever agree to re- main, at peace with the United States. All animosities for past offences are hereby mu- tually forgiven and forgotten, and the parties to this treaty pledge themselves to carry it into full execution, in good faith and sincerity. ARTICLE XI. And the said tribes and their associate bands, are now, and agree to remain friendly with such tribes as are now at peace with the United States, resid- ing upon the waters of the Arkansas, Missouri, and Red Rivers. ARTICLE XII. If any person or persons shall introduce ardent spirits or intoxicating liquors of any kind, among said tribes or na- tions, such person or person shall be punished according to the laws of the United States, and the said tribes or nations agree to give immediate no- tice to the agent of the United States residing near them, and to prevent by any means in their power the violation of this article of treaty. ARTICLE XIII. It is further agreed that blacksmiths shall be sent to reside among the said tribes or nations to keep their guns and farming utensils in order, as

proof of rightful ownership, shall be restored ; and the chiefs of said tribes or nations shall give all necessary aid and protection to the citizens of the United States in reclaiming and recovering such stolen horses; and the civil magis- trates of the United States re- spectively shall give all neces- sary aid and protection to In- dian::; in claiming and recover- ing such stolen horses. ARTICLE IX. For the protection of said Indians and for the purpose of carrying out the stipulations of this treaty more effectually, the President shall, at his dis- cretion, locate upon their bor- ders, trading houses, agencies and posts. In con::":ideratio:-i of the friendly disposition of said tribes, evidenced by the stipu- lations in the present treaty, the comm1ss1oners of the United States, in behalf of the said States, agree to give to the said tribes or nations goods as presents at this time, and agree to give presents in goods to them to the amount of _______ next fall, at the Coun- cil Springs, on the Brazos, where this council is now held, or at some other point to be designated, and of which due notice shall be given to said tribes. ARTICLE X. The said tribes or nations


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