among them for the purpose of trade and intercourse, and to their agents and servants, but no person shall be per- mitted to reside among them as a trader, who is not fur- nished with a license for that purpose, under the hand and seal of the superintendent to be appointed by the President of the United States or such other person as the President shall authorize to grant such licenses, to the end that said Indians may not be imposed on in their trade; and if any li- censed trader shall abuse his privilege by unfair dealing, upon complaint by the chiefs to their agents, and proof thereof, his license shall be taken from him, and he shall be further punished according to the laws of the United States; and if any person shall intrude himself as a trader without such license, upon complaint he shall be dealt with according to law. ARTICLE III. The United States reserves to itself the right of working such mines as may be found within the Indian territory, and the said tribes pledge themselves to protect such persons as the President of the United States may send among them for that purpose. In or- der to guard against the per- petration of frauds upon the
Indians, under pretext of hunt- ing and working mines, no person shall be permitted to go among them for that pur- pose, except by express li- cense from the President of the United States. ARTICLE IV. The said tribes and their associate bands, agree to de- liver by the first day of No- vember next, to the superin- tendent of Indian affairs, to be appointed by the President, at such place as he may direct, due notice of which shall be given to the said tribes, all white persons, and negroes, who are now prisoners among any of the said tribes or na- tions, for which the United States agree to make to them a fair compensation ; and the United States further agree to make all the prisoners taken from said tribes by Texas or the United States, shall be de- livered up to the said tribes, at the same time, and place without charge. And when any member of any of said tribes or nations, and their associate bands, having in his possession an American prisoner or pris- oners, white or black, shall re- fuse to give them up, the President of the United States shall have the privilege of sending among said tribes or nations such force as he may think necessary to take them ;
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