Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III



15th day of May, A. D. 1846, between P. M. Butler and M. G. Lewis, commission- ers on the part of the United States, of the one part, and the undersigned chiefs, counsellors, and warriors of the Coman- che, Ioni, Ana-darko, Caddo, Lipan, Longwa, Keechi, Tawakoni, Wichita, and Waco tribes of Indians, and their asso- ciate bands, in behalf of their said tribes, on the other part, .with the following amendments:- Strike out the third article of the treaty in the following words :- "Article III. "The United States reserves to itself the right of working such mines as may be found within the Indian Territory; and the said tribes pledge themselves to pro- tect such persons as the President of the United States may send among them for that purpose. In order to guard against the perpetration of frauds upon the In- dians, under pretext of hunting and work- ing mines, no person shall be permitted to go among them for that purpose, ex- cept by express license from the President of the United States." Strike out the fifth article of the treaty in the following words : "Article V. "The said tribes or nations shall have the right of sending delegates to the city of Washington whenever they may think their interest requires 'it." In Article IX., line 10, after the word "of," insert ten thousand dollars. In Article IX., line 11, strike out the words "next fall," and insert, at such time as the President of the United States may think proper.

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