TEXAS INDIAN PAPERS, 1846-185!) 343 zens of Brownsville and our destracted frontier. And if your honor thinks expedient to g:ve me orders, to raise a Company rest assured they shall be executed with promptness and dis- patch, and will exert every effort in my power in adopting the requisite means, for the pursuit and arrest of Cortinas the "Na- polean of the Rio Grande" For as long as he is at liberty, our country is in danger. I learn this morning from a citizen of San Antonio who passed through this morning on the stage, that information had been received from Brownsville that Cortinas had taken the town captured five field pieces and that they had called on Gen Twiggs again for troops the authenticity of this I cannot vouch for as he was an entire stranger to me. I shall remain here until I hear from you which I hope will be at your earliest op- portunity. Very respectfully I remain your Obedient Servant JNO. T. ELDRIDGE Gov H. R. Runnels Austin, Texas [Endorsed] Jno T. Eldridge Seguin Texas November 3rd 1859 Relative to affairs at Brownsville, Texas.
No. 230 LETTER FROM H. R. RUNN:::LS TO J. S. FORD Executive Office Austin, Nov. 17th 1859
l I -
To John S. Ford.
You are hereby authorized to enlist and organize a Company of Mounted men to consist of one Captain, 1-first Lieutenant, 1. Second Lieutenant, 4 Sergeants, 4 Corporals, 2 Buglers, 2 Farriers & Blacksmiths, and 74 privates, or a number and an organization approximating the above. Your Com- pany will proceed to Goliad and elect their Commissioned Of- ficers, unless otherwise ordered by John S. Ford, the mus- tering Officer, The Service required is to protect the western frontier against Cortinas and his band and to arrest them if
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