Dear Sir
Amid the confusion and exc'itement, that now pervades our Country and Town, I attempt in the most laconic manner practicable to give you a synopsis of the present condi- tions of affairs in Brownsville, and on the Rio Grande. Un- fortunately for me I am a citizen of the former, endeavoring to to make an honest living by my profession; But war and dessin- sion, hath Sprang up in our midst, which imperatively demands every good honest patriot, every lover of his Country, to act in concert and prepare for the approaching danger, and do what- ever is necessary for the protection of his family his home his all. I was in the scene of action during our late tumultuous times in Brownsville, as you will observe, from the inclosed letters and it becomes necessary, to do something more than has been done for our immediate protection, for our City is in imminent, danger. Capt. Tobin has left with his company & which "per se" is in- adequate to the task. I was solicited by many of my friends in Brownsville to allow ·;hem to suggest. My name, to your honor, as an Applicant for a commission, to raise a company which I refused to allow, as I expected to be absent. to the State for some time," and suc- ceeded in obtaining leave of absence, from the Citizen Guard; until such time as I may return. & I was in hopes that he had revenged h·imself, and would in all probability retreat into the interior of Mexico. But to my great astonishment He yet re- mains in sitio encamped a short distance from Brownsville, where .he will remain until an opportunity presents to execute his threats. and is daily receiving accession and from the most reliable information, has between eight hundred and fifty or nine hundred, strong issued his proclamation, and swears. Viva Cortinas e Mortillos Gringos [Viva Cortinas y Muerte a los Gringos (Long live Cortinas and death to the whites)] & swears, he will avenge the wrongs done the Mexicans or die in the attempt and nothing will attone but the last drop of blood in the last American heart in Brownsville. All of the American women and children have fled to Matamoros for protection. I am now on my return to Brownsville and before leaving will submit my name before your honor's consideration, as an appli- cant for a commission, or authority to raise a company of effi- cient men to assist in sending succor to our much lamented citi-
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