TEXAS INDIAN PAPERS, 1846-1859 241 further protection to the incoming Legislature, fresh from the people. My private affairs forbid my serving in the case proposed, and hence I speak the more plainly; but, if desired by your Ex- cellency, I would most cheerfully and gratuitously aid in raising and organising such a force. Neither would I presume to say who should head such a force; but may, without presumptions, be allowed. To suggest that Capt. Walters of the Cowhouse minute company (west part of Coryell County,) and Capt. W. H. McMillan (its former commander,) though but slightly known to me, are reported to be brave and good citizens. Lieuts. Robert M. White, S. G. Davidson and Benj. Cox, (Bell Co. Min- ute Company,) and Lieuts. W H White and James D. Bell, (of my late company,) would either render willing and efficient service. I am not well acquainted with the citizens of Comanche, Coryell and Lampasas, or I should as readily mention names there. I learn that Capt. Cook of Gatesville, is in bad health, and do not know who succeeds him in that company. In the mean tinie, I think as citizens, we will re-organize in this county in a few days. The late expedition broke up, or at least suspended our minute company. It seems to me, that such forces should be raised exclusively [in] the exposed districts. Very respectfully, Your Obt servt, JNO. HENRY BROWN His Excellency H. R. Runnels P.S. I will make a report relative to state arms in a few -days, having as yet had no leisure to do so. J.H.B.
No. 229 LETTER FROM J. T. ELDRIDGE TOH. R. RUNNELS Seguin Texas November 3d, 1859
Gov H. R. Runnels Austin, Texas-
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